putting yourself out there is:
no. small. thing.
even the bravest, most well-equipped among us can feel daunted by the sheer magnitude of the inner work required.
There are so many things to consider when launching your business. What does your website need to look like? What do you write on each webpage? What platform should you use? How do you figure out all the technical pieces? How do you make sure it looks professional and represents you well? Will it resonate with and attract the right people?
Then, predictably, your 'stuff' comes up.
And you get stuck.
And a few more calendar pages flip by, with little to show for all your best intentions.
at this tender edge of expansion, you may be experiencing some of these very universal human responses:
Fear of failure
Fear of success
Fear of rejection
Fear of being judged and criticized
The crusty old belief: 'I'm not good enough'
Internal stories of 'I don't deserve this'
Impostor Syndrome or the fear of being 'found out' as a fraud: 'Who am I to think I can do this?'
Loud Inner Critic thoughts
Unconscious self-sabotage
Resistance to change
The feeling that you're driving with one foot on the gas and one foot on the brake—at the same time
Worry and anxiety
Getting distracted
Getting sick or injured
Creating inner and outer conflict
Upper Limits Problems: a low thermostat for things going well
Confusion and inability to make decisions
Blaming others or picking a fight
Deflecting compliments
Dropping the ball on commitments
Bumping into things or waves of feeling clumsy
Saying yes to things you don't really want to do as an unconscious way to distract yourself from the task at hand
you are not alone.
presenting your offerings to the world is a tender birthing process.
I propose to you that it's a process best embarked upon with an intuitive, sensitive ally and midwife at your side. Someone to lovingly help you navigate the parts that are scary, confusing, or daunting. Someone who can help you build a friendly toolbox of skills that reliably equip you to move efficiently, and often playfully, through these universal inner roadblocks.
If you're willing to commit to authentic, sustainable, enjoyable success as you make the big leap to serve your bigger audience, I can help you.