client showcase
dawn hale,
recovery coach
client showcase
dawn hale,
recovery coach
Website Design
Brand Identity
Logo Design
Design of all Site Graphics
Content Strategy
Business Card Design
Online Scheduling Set-Up
Dawn Hale is a Recovery Coach based in Hunterdon County, New Jersey.
Her old site hadn’t been updated since it was built 8 years ago, and it didn’t reflect the new direction of her coaching practice.
Dawn wanted the site to clearly showcase her expanded offerings. Previously, she’d practiced solely as a Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor, and she is now offering Moderation Coaching and ‘Gray Area Drinking’ Recovery Coaching.
Because these are emerging coaching specialties in her field, it was very important to have a strong education component via a more robust blog.
Prompted by a move to live in Wyoming part-time to be near her young grandbabies, Dawn was also interested in expanding beyond her brick-and-mortar practice to work with clients remotely via Skype/Zoom. So her new site needed to speak to prospective clients outside her local geographical area.