point person.
What is the full name of the contact person for this project?
First Name
Last Name
phone number.
email address.
contact method.
What mode of contact is preferred throughout your project? Check your top two.
marco polo
ideal date for website launch.
are there outside considerations that might affect the timeline?
For example, studio opening, product launch, vacation, etc.
how long have you been in business?
about your business.
Describe the range of work you do.
most popular offering.
What service or offering are your clients/audience most likely to avail themselves of?
most profitable offering.
What service or offering is the most profitable for your business?
most enjoyable.
What parts of your business and/or your offerings do you most enjoy?
featured services.
Which service(s) do you want featured front-and-center? List in order of importance, and describe.
on the chopping block.
Do you have any current offerings that you want to eliminate or phase out?
future growth.
In terms of making sure your site is equipped to handle future growth, describe any additional services, offerings, or products you see yourself offering down the road.
zone of genius.
What is your 'Zone of Genius'? To determine this, answer one or more of the following questions: What do you most enjoy doing? What do you do where you lose track of time? What is your superpower? What do you do like breathing? What are you better at than most anyone else? What is most effortless for you?
Explain your mission. What is the higher purpose of what you do/what your business is 'up to'?
site goal.
Name the #1 goal you want your site to accomplish. What will move your business forward in the least amount of time?
what elements of building your online presence would you like help with?
Check all that apply.
Figuring out who my Dream Client is
Defining my business goals
Defining my goals for my online presence
A whole new look for my business/brand
A new logo
Custom design of graphics for the site
Finding appropriate stock photos
Finding a brand photographer
Gathering testimonials
Writing the content for my site
Writing my blog
Setting up and populating an online shop
Building an online course
Designing/redesigning my brick-and-mortar space
Bringing more traffic to my site via SEO/Search Engine Optimization
Something else
Not sure
something else?
If you checked 'something else' in the previous question, describe here:
marketing collateral.
What kinds of marketing collateral will you want?
Business Cards
Gift Certificates
Online Newsletter
Social Media Graphics (banners, badges, avatars, covers/headers)
Print Brochure
Postcard or thank you card
If you checked 'other' in the last question, describe here:
branded email.
Do you already have a branded email account set up through your website and/or GSuite? (Ex.: yourname@yourdomain.com). If not, would you like to have one?
Will you want your site to include pages and/or elements such as Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, Refund Policy, and other 'fine print' elements? If so, please list.
who are they?
Describe the ideal visitor you want to reach with your site .For example, age, gender, local/non-local, consumers or other businesses, progressive or conservative, high-end or budget, etc. Tell me as much about them as you can.
where are they?
Where do they live geographically? Where do they hang out online? What social media channels, if any, do you think your ideal visitor spends time on?
frame of mind.
What's the frame of mind of your ideal site visitor? Are they seeking information/education? Are they ready to take action, such as book an appointment?
What are the problems you're solving for your clients? How does what you do make your clients' lives better? How does it help them thrive?
missed potential.
What will life be like if they fail to work with you? What sort of future is your client headed to if they don't engage your services?
possible future.
What can life be like for your client after working with you? What are the benefits to them and what does that actually look like for them in their daily lives?
What are the steps your prospective client needs to take to work with you? The fewer the better, and no more than 3 steps.
call to action.
What's the ONE main action you want your ideal site visitor to take?
are you already interacting with your ideal prospective site visitor in a marketing capacity?
If yes, how? For example, social media, email marketing, public speaking, online forums, etc.
do you ever write about, or for, your industry/field?
If so, on what topics?
lead magnet.
Do you currently have a lead magnet? (This is something of value that you offer in exchange for someone joining your mailing list. (For example, a downloadable PDF, a video series, a webinar, etc.) If so, what is it? If not, would you like help creating one?
other social media.
If applicable, what are the URLs for any other social media accounts not listed above?
tell me about your industry/field and how you fit into it.
Newcomer or established? Local, regional, national or international? Artisanal or mass market?
peer position.
How does your online presence compare with that of other folks with similar offerings?
special sauce.
What makes you and your business unique/appealing/different from similar businesses?
experience/expertise level.
Where on the spectrum of 'newbie' to 'expert' would you place yourself in relation to others with similar offerings?
Who occupies the same lateral space as you, serving similar clients with similar offerings, particularly in the same geographical region if you have a brick-and-mortar presence?
ideal client.
Describe your ideal client in demographic and psychographic terms. Include descriptors such as age range, gender, income bracket, passions, pain points, etc.
brand bio.
What is your 'Value Proposition Statement'? In one short sentence, synopsize WHAT you do, for WHOM, for WHAT result.
core feeling.
Describe the core feeling you want people to take away from having had an experience with you and your business?
brand essence.
Choose 3 to 5 words to describe the essence or tone of your brand.
Are there colors you are seeing for your site? Are there colors you want to avoid?
design inspo
Are there any individuals, sites, and/or brands whose design aesthetic you find inspiring? Please share links. You may prefer to email this to me, with notes about what elements appeal to you.
site editing.
Check all boxes that apply to you.
I'd like to be able to make website edits myself later.
I'm interested in gaining a working knowledge of the platform used to build my site.
I'm tech-savvy.
I'd like tutorials to help me make my way through the learning curve.
I'm uninterested in/unavailable for making updates to my site and would like to delegate that to you. (For example, adding a new offering.)
site access.
Will anyone else, such as partners or employees, need administrative access to the site? If so, whom and what tasks will they need to do on the site?
instagram feed.
Would you like to have your Instagram feed live-synced to your site? (This is typically featured on the homepage, but sometimes is placed on the contact page and/or the about page.)
I'm not sure
Do you have a logo? If so do you have access to get me a .eps or .png file of the logo? If not, do you need a new logo or an update/refresh of your current logo?
About how many pages do you estimate you'll want? Describe them (ex. home page, services, bio, testimonials, contact, etc.)
Do you have the site 'copy' written and ready to go? Site 'copy' means the headlines, paragraphs, brand bio, 'About' page bio, service descriptions, blogposts, text labels for the buttons, etc.)
"I will be re-using some or all of the copy from my existing website."
"I have it written already and it's ready to go."
"I don’t have copy, I will be writing it."
"I don’t have copy, and I would like you to write it as part of this project."
Will you be providing other assets for your website? If so, which assets? How many individual items (photos, etc.) do estimate you'll want included on the site?
past experiences
Do you have any past experience with other designers? How was that experience for you? What worked for you? What didn't?
visibility readiness.
Check all boxes that apply to you.
"I'm ready and willing for my gifts, talents, and skills to be visible to my potential Dream Clients."
"I have some internal resistance, fears, and/or beliefs which may get in the way of my readiness to launch a more visible platform."
"I would like to have a friendly relationship with being seen and received."
"I'm open and willing to work through (or play through) whatever internal blocks arise on the path to friendly visibility."
is there anything else you'd like to add?
Do you have any concerns or worries about this project? If so, please describe.