Rocket Ship

what would you like to create?

My goal is to design an online presence for you that reflects your unique light while speaking to the heart of your Dream Client.

The following questions are intended to help you think through what exactly you’d like to create. Your responses will help me craft your Project Estimate more accurately and to understand your goals, vision, and audience more fully so that — together — we can hit it out of the park.

Answer as many questions as you’re able to, and feel absolutely free to simply skip any that either don’t apply to your project, or for which you don’t currently have an answer. In any case, we’ll be discussing all of these topics more in-depth as we go along.

Not a fan of online forms?
No worries. We can set up a meeting to go over these questions face-to-face. Or you can fill me in freeform via email instead:

P.S. It’s best to complete the form in one sitting. If you close your browser window/tab, the form is unable to save your information. However, if you leave your tab open, you can come back and finish later.


Here we go!

Brew a cuppa and settle in for the ride!



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