I’m excited that you’re interested in exploring working together! I’d love to have a fuller sense of you, your business, and your goals before we talk. Go ahead and fill out this questionnaire, and we’ll be able to dive right in when we meet.
If questionnaires aren’t your jam, no worries — we can cover everything ‘in real life’.
If you’re in Tucson, let’s meet at my home office in midtown. I’ll email you the address. Otherwise, my preference is to meet via Zoom.
For our meet-and-greet, brew up a cuppa, and set aside aboutan hour. Our time together is at no cost, and there’ll be zero pressure or obligation. It’s primarily a way for each of us to see if we’d be a good fit.
tell me about your project!
Your responses will help me conceptualize your project and generate a Project Proposal + Estimate for you after our meeting. Most of the fields are optional, so feel free to skip any you’ve already answered previously, or which don’t apply, or to which you don’t currently have an answer.
P.S. You’ll need to complete the form in one sitting, as it’s not able to save your information.